
Add profile condition to FunctionsNetHost worker config to check host is in placeholder mode

kshyju opened this issue · 0 comments


Our logs show that the FunctionsNetHost process is starting after the host instance is specialized. Ideally, FNH should start only in placeholder mode.

| where TIMESTAMP > ago(1h)
| where Summary endswith "Starting FunctionsNetHost"
| where AppName !has "placeholdertemplate"
| distinct AppName
| take 100

We should add one more condition to the worker.config.json file which will check for the environment variable value to determine whether we are in placeholder mode or not.

  "conditionType": "environment",
  "conditionExpression": "(?i)true$"

Update: After further investigation, I discovered that the INITIALIZED_FROM_PLACEHOLDER environment variable value remains unchanged after specialization. Instead, the WEBSITE_PLACEHOLDER_MODE variable is the appropriate one to check. In Linux, this variable's value is 1 during placeholder mode and changes to 0 after specialization. Additionally, the WEBSITE_CONTAINER_READY variable starts at 0 in placeholder mode and switches to 1 post-specialization. On Windows, WEBSITE_PLACEHOLDER_MODE is 1 during placeholder mode and appears to be removed after specialization.

Azure/azure-functions-host#9932 is a blocker for making this change.