Calling Class based Activity function via Generators not working
nvhoanganh opened this issue · 3 comments
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Please make an effort to fill in all the sections below; the information will help us investigate your issue.
I created a very simple Durable function in isolated mode and tried the Class based activity function. I can see that activity function is generated in the list of registered functions and I can see the function is being triggered but my code was not running.
Here is the minimum repo
NOTE: JavaScript issues should be reported here:
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
My code in the class based activity function should be executed
Actual behavior
A clear and concise description of what actually happened.
It looks like it is executed but it is not
Relevant source code snippets
// insert code snippet here
public class SayHelloClass : TaskActivity<string, string>
private readonly ILogger<SayHelloClass> logger;
public SayHelloClass(ILogger<SayHelloClass> logger)
this.logger = logger;
public override async Task<string> RunAsync(TaskActivityContext context, string input)
logger.LogInformation($"Saying {input} back");
await Task.Delay(200);
return $"Hello {input} via Class!";
public static class TestDurableFunction
public static async Task<List<string>> RunOrchestrator(
[OrchestrationTrigger] TaskOrchestrationContext context)
ILogger logger = context.CreateReplaySafeLogger(nameof(TestDurableFunction));
logger.LogInformation("Saying hello.");
var outputs = new List<string>();
// Replace name and input with values relevant for your Durable Functions Activity
outputs.Add(await context.CallActivityAsync<string>(nameof(SayHello), "Tokyo"));
outputs.Add(await context.CallActivityAsync<string>(nameof(SayHello), "Seattle"));
outputs.Add(await context.CallActivityAsync<string>(nameof(SayHello), "London"));
// this shown as executed in the console but the activity function is not executed
outputs.Add(await context.CallActivityAsync<string>(nameof(SayHelloClass), "There"));
// this shown as executed in the console but the activity function is not executed
outputs.Add(await context.CallSayHelloClassAsync("Blah"));
// returns ["Hello Tokyo!", "Hello Seattle!", "Hello London!"]
return outputs;
public static string SayHello([ActivityTrigger] string name, FunctionContext executionContext)
ILogger logger = executionContext.GetLogger("SayHello");
logger.LogInformation("Saying hello to {name}.", name);
return $"Hello {name}!";
public static async Task<HttpResponseData> HttpStart(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req,
[DurableClient] DurableTaskClient client,
FunctionContext executionContext)
ILogger logger = executionContext.GetLogger("TestDurableFunction_HttpStart");
// Function input comes from the request content.
string instanceId = await client.ScheduleNewOrchestrationInstanceAsync(
logger.LogInformation("Started orchestration with ID = '{instanceId}'.", instanceId);
// Returns an HTTP 202 response with an instance management payload.
// See
return await client.CreateCheckStatusResponseAsync(req, instanceId);
Known workarounds
Provide a description of any known workarounds you used.
App Details
- Durable Functions extension version (e.g. v1.8.3): 1.1.1
- Azure Functions runtime version (1.0 or 2.0): 2.0
- Programming language used: csharp - .NET 8
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
If deployed to Azure
We have access to a lot of telemetry that can help with investigations. Please provide as much of the following information as you can to help us investigate!
- Timeframe issue observed:
- Function App name:
- Function name(s):
- Azure region:
- Orchestration instance ID(s):
- Azure storage account name:
If you don't want to share your Function App or storage account name GitHub, please at least share the orchestration instance ID. Otherwise it's extremely difficult to look up information.
Hi @nvhoanganh thanks for reporting this. Does your orchestration work correctly (including the type-safe invocation at the end) if you define the activity as a normal function instead of a class? I want to confirm whether that source-generator pattern is working or if it's also being affected.
Hi @cgillum , if I define it using normal function it works fine
Thanks for this info. We’ll take a look into why the class-based syntax is no longer working with the source generated extension methods.