
SubOrchestration and SubOrchestration with Retry

scgbear opened this issue · 6 comments

Need to build out the ability to create SubOrchestration and SubOrchestration with retry capabilities within the DurableOrchestrationContext.

I will take on this. If there are any analogous files, as a kind of implementation reference for relevant components / classes needed for this task, please point them my way.

This was addressed in the latest release. What a milestone! Thanks!

Just a heads up, the main README still states sub-orchestration is not supported in Python.

We're excited to start using it!

Thanks! I'll make sure to update that README :)

is there any available documentation on its usage?

Hi @Jordan-Mesches,

Not yet, since we're in preview, but we do provide IntelliSense with detailed explanations on how to use each available API. If you are using VSCode, hovering over the suborchestrator methods (call_suborchestrator and call_suborchestrator_with_retry) should show you those. If you're having issues with a particular example, I can definitely help you get started :)

We do have official docs on the way and, as of a few hours ago, I've given them the green light to get published. We're actually rather close to getting to a general release too, we're just waiting for a few platform-level dependencies to fall into place.

⚡ ⚡