
ServiceBusQueueTrigger MessageReceiver Binding throws error

musa-pro opened this issue · 4 comments

I was trying to get metadata MessageReceiver for a ServiceBusQueueTrigger function using binding annotation, but this throws error. I noticed MessageSession, DeadletterSource throws error too whereas other binding works well. I was following this document

Is this expected or what I'm doing wrong?
Here is what I've

    public void run(
            @ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "msg",
                    queueName = "ServiceBusQueue",
                    connection = "ServiceBusConStr")
                    String message,
            @BindingName("MessageReceiver") MessageReceiver messageReceiver,
            @BindingName("UserProperties") Map<String, Object> properties,
            final ExecutionContext context
        context.getLogger().info("got message from: "+message);

this worked for me:

@BindingName("ApplicationProperties") Map<String, Object> properties,

I took binding name from this list:

Hi @musa-pro , please use link paste by @avs099 for correct binding name. Thank you @avs099 for the help here 💯 .
Please reopen this issue if you still has the problem. Thanks.

Hi @avs099, thanks for your sharing, I have the same issue, and tried your suggestion, but not work for me. and the shared link is for C# not Java. attached the code and error logs.


@PengChaoSun , I cannot reproduce your issue with the same code, can you double check if your function is defined correctly?