
Local deployment of Azure Service Bus Queue Trigger getting message as null

mlakshminara opened this issue · 2 comments

When I deploy an Azure Function locally using Spring Boot and spring-cloud-function-adapter-azure library. I was able to build, package and deploy the Function Application locally.
I have installed:

  1. Azure CLI version 2.16
  2. Azure Function CLI (func) version 3.0.31
  3. .NET SDK 3.1.404
  4. Also installed Azurite V3 Visual Studio Code extension for local blob storage connection string

I have executed func settings add AzureWebJobsStorage "useDevelopmentStorage=$true" to utilize local blob storage, AzureServiceBusConnection connecction string as "Endpoint-sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=Root;SharedAccessKey=xyz;, FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION as 2, FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME as java, MAIN_CLASS as Spring Boot Application Main Classname.

The Function Application starts properly I have deployed 2 functions (1) HttpTrigger and (2) ServiceBusQueueTrigger. HttpTrigger works properly but when I publish a message to the Queue to which I have configured ServiceBusQueueTrigger the trigger gets executed properly but the message is always null. This is the stack-trace as given below:

[2021-01-08T08:04:33.326Z] 2021-01-08 13:34:33.308 INFO 4764 --- [pool-2-thread-3] AbstractSpringFunctionAdapterInitializer : Initializing: class com.bestminds.azurefunction.AzureServiceBusSampleAzureFunction
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.328Z] Handler processing a request for: orders
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.351Z] =========||==============|/=///_/
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.352Z] :: Spring Boot :: (v2.2.9.RELEASE)
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.354Z] 2021-01-08 13:34:33.340 INFO 4764 --- [pool-2-thread-3] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Starting application on XYZIND115914 with PID 4764 (C:\spring-boot-azure-function-showcase\target\azure-functions\bestminds\azure-functions-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar started by JohnDoe in C:\spring-boot-azure-function-showcase\target\azure-functions\AzureServiceBusSampleAzureFunction)
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.360Z] 2021-01-08 13:34:33.340 INFO 4764 --- [pool-2-thread-3] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
[2021-01-08T08:04:33.697Z] 2021-01-08 13:34:33.689 INFO 4764 --- [pool-2-thread-3] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Started application in 0.369 seconds (JVM running for 287.696)
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.013Z] Executing 'Functions.orders' (Reason='(null)', Id=0ad0ec7c-917c-4d07-9700-5ff5376a89f4)
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.015Z] Trigger Details: MessageId: ID:7aada22d-6fd4-4a8b-b802-65738b39ef6f:1:1:1-1, SequenceNumber: 2, DeliveryCount: 1, EnqueuedTimeUtc: 2021-01-08T08:14:57.7860000Z, LockedUntilUtc: 2021-01-08T08:15:27.9730000Z, SessionId: (null)
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.027Z] 2021-01-08 13:44:58.022 INFO 4764 --- [pool-2-thread-4] o.s.c.function.utils.FunctionClassUtils : Main class: class com.bestminds.azurefunction.AzureServiceBusSampleAzureFunction
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.029Z] Message is received: null
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.032Z] Handler processing a request for: orders
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.034Z] Function "orders" (Id: 0ad0ec7c-917c-4d07-9700-5ff5376a89f4) invoked by Java Worker
[2021-01-08T08:14:58.036Z] Executed 'Functions.orders' (Succeeded, Id=0ad0ec7c-917c-4d07-9700-5ff5376a89f4, Duration=25ms)

See line #18 which logs the JMS message as received by Function and it show null all the time. The actual Java Class is as given below

public class ServiceBusQueueHandler extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<String, Void> {
public Void execute(@ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "orders", queueName = "eas_queue",
connection = "AzureServiceBusConnection")
final String message, final ExecutionContext context) {
context.getLogger().info("Message is received: " + message);
return handleRequest(message, context);

Do we have a solution to execute Service Bus Queue Triggers locally ?

I used Apache Qpid libraries to publish messages to Queue using AMQPS protocol. I wanted to know whether publishing text message (Json text) to queue using AMQPS does it provide a null data in Azure Function trigger.

If I publish it as Bytes Message (same Json text as bytes) then am able to get the data in Azure Function properly. Is this a constraint while using AMQPS protocol

Paizo commented

I can confirm from personal experience: I was publishing a string containing xml by using spring jms template, that leads to a message with extra prefix chars being stored in the queue. When the function get triggered the message in this case is always null.
For the publishing I switched to; when the message is correct the trigger works.