
@BlobTrigger without loading content

pauldaustin opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible or could it be possible to use @BlobTigger without actually getting the content of the blob.

The use case for this is if you wanted to just send the path of the blob to a queue, which then would process the content of the blob. You wouldn't need say the whole content of a 2GB file to do that.

For example if @BlobTrigger was changed to be allowed as a method annotation as well as a parameter annotation.

Then the back end code would do a HEAD call to check if the blob exists and then call the method.

Plus you could also add @BindingName to have the size of the blob passed into the function.

P.S. I am aware that EventGrid is another way to have triggers on blobs

Would be interested in having such possibility as well.