
FabricOutputDeltaVersionFailed in Fabric output stage pipeline

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello everyone. I have tried in november IoT Operations and I was able to configure pipeline to write onto Fabric.
I'm trying again with the same configuration and nothing.
Looking inside aio-dp-runner-worker-0 logs, I have found this error

FabricOutputDeltaVersionFailed: The Fabric output stage was not able to acquire a version number for the transaction log. (caused by: Unknown: GET a trace.
How can I manage that? It is no more able to write onto the LakeHouse table.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @marcoparenzan, this may be an authentication issue, can you check the validity of your service principal, set up steps can be found here

If you continue to run into this, can you provide a support bundle