[Bug Report] SendEventAsync() never returns when DeviceClient gets disposed
Werner-Prbk opened this issue · 3 comments
Werner-Prbk commented
- OS, version, SKU and CPU architecture used: Windows 10 Desktop x64 (also on linux arm32)
- Application's .NET Target Framework : .netcoreapp 3.1
- Device: Laptop (also on arm32 device with custom linux)
- SDK version used: 1.38.0
Issue description
SendEventAsync() never returns when DeviceClient gets disposed in ConnectionStatusChangesHandler.
Following the reconnection sample the DeviceClient is disposed and newly created when ConnectionStatusChangesHandler is called with (Disconnected, Retry_Expired). If another task is still busy with SendEventAsync() on the old (already disposed) DeviceClient, the method never returns.
Internet connection was cut off at 15:38:20. SendEventAsync() hangs forever:
Code sample exhibiting the issue
static async Task Main()
deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, TransportType.Mqtt);
// IoT-Hub connection retry policy before exception is thrown.
// This should result in disconnected/retry_expired after a few seconds.
new ExponentialBackoff(
6, // retry counter
deviceClient.SetConnectionStatusChangesHandler((status, reason) =>
Print($"Connection status changed: {status}, {reason}");
if (reason == ConnectionStatusChangeReason.Retry_Expired)
Print("Dispose Device Client");
await deviceClient.OpenAsync();
while (true)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Print("Send message ... start");
await deviceClient.SendEventAsync(new Message());
Print("Send message ... OK");
catch (Exception e)
Print($"Periodic sender exception: {e.Message}. Exit.");
azabbasi commented
Thank you for reporting this issue, We are working on the fix and will publish it on the next nuget release.
azabbasi commented
azabbasi commented
We have checked-in the fix and will publish it on the next release.
Thank you for being a valuable contributor to the quality of the SDK.