
Loading all data in a dataframe

jccarrascog opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,

I am new in Kusto and I am not sure if this is already implemented since I am not able to find a solution anywhere. I am querying data from a database but I only get 21485 rows when using:

df = dataframe_from_result_table(response.primary_results[0])

There is more data available. In Kusto Desktop I can navigate to the next page but it does not seem possible here. Is it possible to extract a whole month of data independently of the volume? I mean 8 GB or similar.

Thanks in advance.

Can you clarify your scenario further?
What happens if you run the query as is?

If your query returns multiple tables in the desktop you will get multiple tabs and here you have primary_results is a collection of KustoResultTable but includes only primary ones.
Other tables are iterable on the response object itself

For reference:

class KustoResponseDataSet(BaseKustoResponseDataSet, metaclass=ABCMeta):