
Support to get notification message telemetry

askramana opened this issue · 1 comments

Standard tier notification hubs provides an additional API to get telemetry on the finished state of outgoing push notifications. This enables the user to monitor push notifications sent from the hub. Input to this API is the Notification ID that we get from the HTTP Location header included in the response of the REST API used to send the notification (i.e. NotificationOutcome in our code). More about this API here.

Through this issue, I expect this project to have support for the PMT.

@askramana closing as per now supported:

NotificationOutcome outcome = client.sendNotification(n);
System.out.println("Tracking ID: " + outcome.getTrackingId());

NotificationTelemetry telemetry = client.getNotificationTelemetry(outcome.getNotificationId());
System.out.println("Telemetry Location " + telemetry.getLocation());