
Release and publish on maven central

alexduf opened this issue · 10 comments

It would be really useful to release that project and publish it to maven central.

In its current state, the workflow is a no-go to me.

Thanks in advance!

ysxu commented

Thanks for the note Alex. This is definitely on our radar and we're looking to do so in the near future. Will keep you updated!

Cheers! 👍

Any news on that? Would love to use it from mvnCentral

tg44 commented

still opened...
but jitpack build and host it for you:

why not publish on maven central ? ?

djhr commented

Without being published no one will integrate this repo in any project... this issue is standing here for more than 1 year, is this project dead?

Sorry, I didn't notice this issue so I opened another one:

Closing the duplicate, but the same question still stands:

Some other Azure related java libraries we use are published on maven central. For example:

Any plans to publish this one too?

Motivated by the following excerpt from the blog post about Firebase from 24-Apr-2019:

If your app uses the GCM library, go ahead and follow Google’s instructions to upgrade to the FCM library in your app. Our SDK is compatible with either, so you won’t have to update anything in your app on our side (as long as you’re up to date with our SDK version).

[bold added for emphasis]

As far as I can tell, at the time of writing there the only official release of this SDK was the 0.0.5 release to MavenCentral on 28-Aug-2017 mentioned above. It is not clear to me whether I:

  • need to upgrade the version of the library from 0.0.5
  • can upgrade the library from 0.0.5


  • Is there any update to the status of this issue?
  • Are there any plans to release a new version (either on MavenCentral or here on github)?
    • If so, on what timescale?

Currently on Maven Central Notification-Hubs-java-sdk