
tcp-to-blob documentation updates

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Pulled from Hrishi's comments in "Orbital Integration - Orbital Analytics and Data" on 9/8:

  1. Under H1- add verbiage here like this - " this doc shows you how to deploy this architecture into azure using the resources and code in this repository"
  2. Make prerequisites the first H2 section
    1. Add a prerequisite for a VM or personal environment to execute the steps out of
    2. Small ask- is it possible to make a docker image with Node JS, yarn, Azure CLI preloaded? Or a script? The user will most likely get the wrong CLI by using the default sudo apt install method. Same comment applies to Node JS. Furthermore Bastion is having copy paste issues with some of the cmd line commands located on the installation docs for these packages
    3. Either here or on the main page- can you add links to github docs for SSO methods? how to generate a PAT as well?
  3. Move H2 environment variables after H2 create environment file
  4. Can you add a step for quota check prior to running the bicep?


  1. Add verbiage to H1
  2. Make pre-reqs first H2 section
    i. Add VM pre-req
  3. Move H2 env. vars. to after H2 create env. file.

ii. "Small ask" new task
iii. SSO / generate PAT links (ask about specific links)
* new task 2
4. "add a step..." ***new task 3

Closing to create separate, closely-aligned issues.