
[Question] Why does Application Gateway on the Portal support Keyvault Certificates but the API/CLI/etc only support Secret ID

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The Azure Portal allows use to use a Certificate from Key Vault against an App Gateway (and APIM), however the API only allows a Secret_Id from Key Vault, NOT a certificate.

This makes things a bit of a nightmare from a certificate renewal point of view, because we now have to change it in two places


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@raych1 Please help have a look, thank you.

@zzhxiaofeng , can you tag the last editor of the application gateway spec to seek further help?

@zzhxiaofeng , can you tag the last editor of the application gateway spec to seek further help?

@v-jiaodi , can you take care of this?

@zzhxiaofeng , can you tag the last editor of the application gateway spec to seek further help?

@v-jiaodi , can you take care of this?

@GuptaVertika Please help take a look, thanks.

@tejasaks from App gateway team can you please take a look.