
[BUG] RAI Policy content filters array has non-unique x-ms-identifiers

Opened this issue · 1 comments

API Spec link

API Spec version


Describe the bug

The property is defined as such:

        "contentFilters": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/RaiPolicyContentFilter"
          "x-ms-identifiers": [
          "description": "The list of Content Filters."

That should mean that name is unique and sufficient to uniquely identify a filter. But Azure's own example shows that it's not unique. The combination of name and source probably is?

Expected behavior

x-ms-identifiers contains a combination of properties that uniquely identify content filters.

Actual behavior

x-ms-identifiers contains a property whose values are shared between content filters.

Reproduction Steps

visible in the spec


No response

@tianxin-ms Please help have a look, thank you.