
[FEATURE REQ] Missing GitHub.Network/networkSettings

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I'm missing a SPEC for the API GitHub.Network/networkSettings.

On Github, the resource has to be created with az CLI:

az resource create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME  --name $NETWORK_SETTINGS_RESOURCE_NAME --resource-type GitHub.Network/networkSettings --properties "{ \"location\": \"$AZURE_LOCATION\", \"properties\" : {  \"subnetId\": \"/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/$VNET_NAME/subnets/$SUBNET_NAME\", \"businessId\": \"$DATABASE_ID\" }}" --is-full-object --output table --query "{GitHubId:tags.GitHubId, name:name}" --api-version 2024-04-02

However, a lot of code-gen tooling are using this repository as source. Tools like Azure SDK and Terraform will support such an resource only, if there is an spec for it.