
[DevCenter ] API Review

Closed this issue · 5 comments

New API Review meeting has been requested.

Service Name: DevCenter
Review Created By: Sneha Nagendra
Review Date: 07/16/2024 01:00 PM PT
Release Plan:
Hero Scenarios Link: Not Provided
Core Concepts Doc Link: Not Provided


Detailed meeting information and documents provided can be accessed here
For more information that will help prepare you for this review, the requirements, and office hours, visit the documentation here

Meeting updated by Sneha Nagendra

Service Name: DevCenter
Review Created By: Sneha Nagendra
Review Date: 07/16/2024 01:00 PM PT
Release Plan:
Hero Scenarios Link: Not Provided
Core Concepts Doc Link: Not Provided


Detailed meeting information and documents provided can be accessed here
For more information that will help prepare you for this review, the requirements, and office hours, visit the documentation here

Meeting updated by Sneha Nagendra

Service Name: DevCenter
Review Created By: Sneha Nagendra
Review Date: 07/16/2024 01:00 PM PT
Release Plan:
Hero Scenarios Link: Not Provided
Core Concepts Doc Link: Not Provided


Detailed meeting information and documents provided can be accessed here
For more information that will help prepare you for this review, the requirements, and office hours, visit the documentation here

Meeting updated by Sneha Nagendra

Service Name: DevCenter
Review Created By: Sneha Nagendra
Review Date: 07/16/2024 01:00 PM PT
Release Plan:
Hero Scenarios Link: Not Provided
Core Concepts Doc Link: Not Provided


Detailed meeting information and documents provided can be accessed here
For more information that will help prepare you for this review, the requirements, and office hours, visit the documentation here

Meeting updated by Sneha Nagendra

Service Name: DevCenter
Review Created By: Sneha Nagendra
Review Date: 07/16/2024 01:00 PM PT
Release Plan:
PR: #29805
Hero Scenarios Link: Not Provided
Core Concepts Doc Link: Not Provided


Detailed meeting information and documents provided can be accessed here
For more information that will help prepare you for this review, the requirements, and office hours, visit the documentation here

Notes from API review 7/16/24

  • This might be over-specified, since the user will be given the fully constructed URL and will simply issue a GET on it
  • The URL actually comes back from a control plane API
  • Why make this a data-plane API? Because it is returning "customer content" so we want to keep it out of the control plane.
    • One possibility is to use a redirect, and not define the operation explicitly
    • But redirect might not work if there is an authentication challenge on the final target
  • Maybe this should be modeled as having a single path parameter in the route, which is the URL returned from the control plane API
  • Or just create a token (guid) to identify the log in the control plane and return that, and have this operation accept that token and retrieve the corresponding log
    • This seems like the best option

This looks good for preview!