
enrollment_group.create_or_update ignores default

Gamecock opened this issue · 2 comments

Package Name: azure.iot.deviceprovisioning
Package Version: 1.0.0.b1
Operating System: Windows10
Python Version: 3.11.1

Describe the bug
Specifying iotHub without allocation policy throws
azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (400004) Enrollment allocationPolicy must be specified when iotHubs are specified.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Run code below with hostnames populated

Expected behavior
Group created using default evenlyWeighted allocationPolicy

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Code Sample. Same code as #35187 used to work, but now throws.

# Create service client for enrollmemt groups using endpoint and credential
client = DeviceProvisioningClient(endpoint=URI, credential=aad_credentials)

group = "mygroup"

enrollment_group = {
    "enrollmentGroupId": group,
    "attestation": {
        "type": "symmetricKey"
    "iotHubs": hostnames

client.enrollment_group.create_or_update( id=group, enrollment_group=enrollment_group)

Adding "allocationPolicy": "Hashed" to the enrollment_group resolves, but it not in any examples.

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll investigate asap.