Feature: Storage Account Creation with Encryption using Customer Managed Keys
ravichaudhary11 opened this issue · 6 comments
I am trying to create storage account that uses customer-managed keys for encryption. Azure-Service Operator V2.7.0.
apiVersion: storage.azure.com/v1api20230101
kind: StorageAccount
name: standardcmk
namespace: test
azureName: clusterstandardcmk
originalVersion: v1api20230101
accessTier: Hot
publicNetworkAccess: Disabled
allowBlobPublicAccess: false
location: westeurope
kind: StorageV2
name: Standard_LRS
armId: /subscriptions/SUB_ID/resourceGroups/my-rg
type: UserAssigned
principalId: Prinicpal_ID
tenandId: Tenand-ID
userAssignedIdentity: /subscriptions/SUB-ID/resourcegroups/my-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/tst-identity
keySource: Microsoft.Keyvault
keyvaulturi: https://vault_url
keyname: ts-key-cmk
keyversion: 9f56363yfhioh947990
keyType: Account
enabled: true
EXPECTED Behaviour
Account should get created with CMK
Missing pre-requisites to enable EncryptionAtRest/Customer Managed Key for this storage account. For more information, see - https://aka.ms/storagecmkconfiguration
RESPONSE 409: 409 Conflict
ERROR CODE: FeatureNotSupportedForAccount
Using customer-managed keys with Azure Storage encryption requires that both soft delete and purge protection be enabled for the key vault.
From the referenced aka.ms link, does your KeyVault have the correct configuration as per the requirements from storage?
Yes Both settings are enabled.
have you also performed the required identity steps documented here?
It may be worth raising a support ticket on the StorageAccount. ASO is just sending this request to Azure and it is the Azure Storage service which is rejecting the request with an error. Unfortunately the error says "you must meet these prerequisites" but there are 4-5 different ones and it's not clear which one(s) you haven't satisfied.
Alternatively you can look at this ARM template example for storage accounts + CMK - you should be able to translate most/all of that into ASO resources. Possibly something in that template will jump you at you that you have not yet done via ASO.
Yes i granted this mentioned role "Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption User"to userassignedidentity on keyvault.
And keyvault have soft-delete enabled, purge-protection enabled.
So above three conditions are satisfied. do you have other pre-requisites as well i see in the document these 3 are mentioned and satisfied.
If there are other then please mention here.
We're not sure what option you don't have set, but the storage API is rejecting the request because of the KeyVault configuration.
As mentioned above, recommend raising a support ticket for the StorageAccount and asking the support engineer to check which option is not configured correctly on the KeyVault.
No further response, so we're closing this. Feel free to reopen if needed.