
Context for commands?

gstevens-kyriba opened this issue · 0 comments

Is there some assumption made here that I'm using WSL??

The pre-requisites say:
Azure CLI (≥2.32.0)
with aks-preview CLI extension installed (≥0.5.50)
Helm 3
A Kubernetes cluster with version ≥ v1.20

Nothing mentions where I should run these commands?

Follow the cluster-specific setup guide below before deploying Azure AD Workload Identity:

This install mentions using the EXPORT command, which wont work in a Windows cmd promt, but would in a Could Shell or a WSL environment. -

The this link assumes I have brew installed? Windows? Linux? Cloud Shell? These is no brew in CMD or Cloud shell.

I don't normally use WSL, but use a cloud shell instead. I prefer Powershell over bash or CLIs as well.