
azure_rm_aks Add parameter vm-set-type

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi there,

the Ansible support for creating AKS clusters comes in very handy, thanks for that! I have one request though: I woud like to use the cluster autoscaler with AKS. However, I cannot enable that because the for doing so the cluster needs to be created with support for virtual mchine scale sets, see for details.

Essentially, I think it would suffice to add support for the parameter vm-set-type VirtualMachineScaleSets as being passed into az aks create. Or perhaps even the option enable-cluster-autoscaler to enable it right away.

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

@philippn Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this issue and we will investigate and add this feature. Thank you very much!

@haiyuazhang @gavinfish Would you please help take a look this issue when you're free ? Thank you very much!

@Fred-sun This issue is highly relevant for us - can you provide us with an update on it?

@Fred-sun This issue is highly relevant for us - can you provide us with an update on it?

We are looking at this issue and will Ping other maintenance staff to help add this parameter. Thank you very much!

@haiyuazhang Please help to add the paramter for the azure_rm_aks modulewhen you're free. Thank you very much!

@philippn Thank you very much for your interest in Ansible. This repo is no longer maintained in this repository and has been migrated to
Please re-submit this Issue in the above repository and closed this. Thank you very much!