
Public access is not permitted on this storage account.

jortfal opened this issue · 3 comments


I have been trying for two days to generate an image with Image Builder, I have tried all the possible configurations and checked again and again the permissions of the user identity and all the time I get this error:

PublicAccessNotPermitted Public access is not permitted on this storage account. RequestId:0771516a-c01e-0006-7691-4a727d000000 Time:2022-04-07T15:07:21.3330104Z

This is done by following the tutorial in the official documentation. However, this does not happen using Azure DevOps. I need it to work with the commands.

Thank you very much.

Hi @danielsollondon,

Do you have any information on this matter?

Thank you.

Best Regards.

kof-f commented

Hey @jortfal Azure Image Builder currently does not support storage account firewalls, so if you have a firewall on your storage account then the service will return an error. Do you have a firewall enabled?

I don't currently have access to that storage account and cannot check it. But thank you very much for the information, I will keep it in mind.