
Image Builder: Platform Image was not found

jleroux751 opened this issue · 0 comments

Image Builder: Platform Image was not found
When trying to build a simple image with base image “Windows 19h1-Evd” I have a failed message :
“put template call failed for template t_1650881769010 with error: Platform Image was not found. location: eastus, publisherName: MicrosoftWindowsDesktop, offer: Windows-10, sku: 19h1-evd, version: latest. Please check the specified source image version in Image Builder Template exists. For information on how to check available versions, types, review (CODE: 200)”
But…when I tried ether with “Windows 2019-Datacenter” or “Windows 2019-Datacenter” base image, it succeed.
Thank you,
Have a nice day,