
microsoft.insights/components/ProactiveDetectionConfigs: is showing warning eventhough it's valid.

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Issue Type

Missing property(s)

Other Notes

image is marked as not valid one even though it's used in service itself and arm template.

Warning message:
The property "name" is not allowed on objects of type "ApplicationInsightsComponentProactiveDetectionConfigurationProperties". No other properties are allowed. If this is an inaccuracy in the documentation, please report it to the Bicep Team.bicep

Bicep Repro

resource insights_slowpageloadtime 'Microsoft.Insights/components/ProactiveDetectionConfigs@2018-05-01-preview' = {
  parent: insightsComponent
  name: 'slowpageloadtime'
  location: 'westus2'
  properties: {
    name: 'slowpageloadtime'
    RuleDefinitions: {
      Name: 'slowpageloadtime'
      DisplayName: 'Slow page load time'
      Description: 'Smart Detection rules notify you of performance anomaly issues.'
      HelpUrl: ''
      IsHidden: false
      IsEnabledByDefault: true
      IsInPreview: false
      SupportsEmailNotifications: true
    Enabled: true
    SendEmailsToSubscriptionOwners: true
    CustomEmails: []


  • I have read the troubleshooting guide and looked for duplicates.