
Step 10 needs more beer.

BarDweller opened this issue · 5 comments

This step says to use az aks get-versions which doesn't work..

$ az aks get-versions
az aks get-versions: error: the following arguments are required: --location/-l
usage: az aks get-versions [-h] [--verbose] [--debug]
                           [--output {json,jsonc,table,tsv}]
                           [--query JMESPATH] --location LOCATION

I suspect it wants us to use az aks get-upgrades except it never explains how to set $AKS_CLUSTER_NAME or $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

Reusing the vars from the earlier steps.. I guessed at..

NAME=$(az group list | jq '.[0]."name"' -r)

Either the page needs to use the old vars and explain how to set them, or it should show how to set the new vars used on that page.

Page also needs more beer. Amount consumed while writing this page was insufficient leading to inconsistencies.

Thanks @BarDweller for the feedback! Like discussed, this PR #64 is tackling these feedback for more consistency across all the labs. Thanks!

Please take a look at 7ba8d51

This change was made yesterday. We'll update others.

@jschluchter , interesting one, why it's not in master? It looks like the latest version still has the get-versions...
Furthermore, we are tackling the feedback documented by this issue here: PR #64 .

PR #64 closed and merged into master, we could close this issue @kevingbb, thanks!
