A repository of code samples for Vector search capabilities in Azure AI Search.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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Package version update breaks code
#281 opened by jason-theodorakopoulos - 0
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Unsupported Api Type. - multimodal e2e
#276 opened by miggytrinidad - 1
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Invalid request for vector_store.add_documents
#216 opened by varsha1288 - 0
getting the error
#275 opened by safdar23 - 1
ImportError: cannot import name 'AzureOpenAIVectorizerParameters' from ''
#273 opened by zzulueta - 0
cast(TokenCredential, self._credential).get_token(*scopes, **kwargs) | AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get_token'
#271 opened by avatar-lavventura - 2
Issue with Indexing CSV Data from S3 and Using Text Splitter & Embedding Skills Directly on Azure Platform: Column/Key Mismatch Error
#267 opened by uergash1 - 2
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cannot import name 'ScalarQuantizationCompression' from '
#268 opened by safdar23 - 4
Error in Azure Portel Index: This index contains a vectorizer created by previous API versions that doesn't include the 'modelName' field. We recommend you to migrate by adding 'experimental' value automatically to the field to restore full portal functionality.
#241 opened by sunnysharma03 - 5
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Upgrading: "AzureOpenAIParameters" no longer option in ""
#257 opened by tush05tgsingh - 6
HttpResponseError while creating indexer
#239 opened by smaddinieni - 1
Issue while trying to create index with error The request is invalid. Details: An unexpected 'StartArray' node was found when reading from the JSON reader. A 'PrimitiveValue' node was expected.
#262 opened by avisheka93 - 1
Type Error bug in azure-sdk-for-python
#263 opened by TaisukeIto - 0
Python azure-search-backup-and-restore: appending the list failed_keys appears to fail
#261 opened by marcindulak - 0
Demo Python phi-chat
#254 opened by jdkorigan - 1
Indexer fails: Could not execute skill because Web Api skill response is invalid.
#248 opened by GijsVoogd - 1
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503 Failed to execute query because not enough resources were available to cover 100% of the index
#234 opened by arelsharon - 2
Vector search gives SSL WRONG VERSION Number error when used within corporate firewall
#240 opened by dhaksr - 1
multimodal-embeddings.ipynb can not create search index: Operation returned an invalid status 'Forbidden'
#242 opened by liujn2000 - 3
Azure AI.Search is giving SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997) Error
#238 opened by dhaksr - 2
Issue : langchain sample fails
#182 opened by surendransuri - 1
503 Failed to execute query because not enough resources were availible to cover 100
#233 opened by arelsharon - 1
Add metadata field for search index in azure-search-integrated-vectorization-sample.ipynb
#232 opened by sindre-bouvet - 1
Could not execute skill because the Web Api request failed - Enrichment.AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill.#2
#228 opened by sindre-bouvet - 3
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Error: NotFoundError - Resource not found while implementing llama index with Azure OpenAI for fine-tuning
#223 opened by loyal812 - 1
Web Api response status: BadRequest
#224 opened by sanket98a - 1
llama-index integration small bug
#217 opened by hristochr - 1
Resources and citations of search
#210 opened by Nalin879 - 1
Azure Hybrid Search results are not consistent
#209 opened by AVIN8233 - 3
Facing an issue in azure search index
#181 opened by Nalin879 - 1
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filtering nested json with CS
#151 opened by FrancescoSaverioZuppichini - 9
Azure Vector Search not working with OpenAI new embedding model "text-embedding-3-large"
#157 opened by AVIN8233 - 0
Hybrid search-indexer
#172 opened by aradhanachaturvedi - 1
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DotNetIntegratedVectorizationDemo seems not generating a search document for each chunk of the enriched data
#136 opened by lgong-rms - 1
The request is invalid. Details: definition : Error in Vectorizer 'xxxxx' : Invalid resourceUri. Provide a valid resourceUri for the Azure Open AI service.
#152 opened by Maroru24 - 1
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Getting - AttributeError: module 'openai' has no attribute 'error' in azure-search-vector-python-langchain-sample.ipynb notebook
#140 opened by khalidshamim1