using imageToDeploy with a latest tag does not update revision
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I want to use this action to deploy "an already pushed application image".
In the CI/CD pipeline I create and push the image to the repository with the latest
tag. However, when I specify the imageToDeploy parameter as: registry/image:latest everything works fine, however it will not create a new revision. The old revision stays online, until a new container is spinned up by a ACA scaling rule.
Is this a design choice? For now I am using specific version numbers as tags, which works. But I would like to be able to use a latest
tag, which represents the currently running version.
+1 Having this exact problem. Did you find a solution for this?
We use:
- name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
context: ""
push: true
tags: ${{ secrets.PROD_REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/${{ secrets.PROD_CONTAINER_APP_BACKEND }}:latest,${{ secrets.PROD_REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER }}/${{ secrets.PROD_CONTAINER_APP_BACKEND }}:${{ steps.vars.outputs.sha_short }}
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
which creates two registry entries.
This works with azure app services. I don't understand why it does not work with container apps.
Any solution ?
This is an important feature in order to be able to manage container apps with Terraform.
My workaround for now is to add:
lifecycle {
# we can not set the image tag to latest in github workflows, so we need to ignore the image in the lifecycle
ignore_changes = [template[0].container[0].image]
in the terraform ressource
As a workaround you can use revision copy at the end in an extra step:
- name: Azure CLI script
uses: azure/cli@v2
containerAppName: CopyFromPreviousStep
resourceGroup: CopyFromPreviousStep
azcliversion: latest
inlineScript: |
az containerapp revision copy -n ${{ env.containerAppName }} \
-g ${{ env.resourceGroup }} --revision-suffix ${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}
I added --revision-suffix because the revision has to be different than the previous one in order to redeploy, so I used workflow run id and attempt #
We have the same issue, lost a few hours investigating this
In the end I actually ended up tagging the container with their own version number by using Gitversion and the 'latest' tag, and just using the latest version in the ACA deploy step.