containerapp job support
acidbubbles opened this issue · 2 comments
I would like to deploy a containerapp job. I initially tried using the parameters but it runs az containerapp create
, but for jobs it should be az containerapp job create
I also tried with yaml
but it crashed with ERROR: Containerapp type must be "Microsoft.App/ContainerApps"
Am I to understand that containerapp jobs are not supported? I was surprised that there were no indications about jobs whatsoever, and in (referenced in the README) jobs seem to be referenced.
I would like to either:
- See clearly if containerapp jobs are not supported, in which case an alternative would be appreciated, or;
- Give a working example of how to configure containerapp jobs in this action
I need this as well. There is no way to auto deploy container app jobs via git hub actions. Any help would be appreciated.
Just as an fyi I needed this as well and fell back to using the az cli directly.
You can create/update your container jobs using it, instead of using
- name: Deploy to container-apps
uses: azure/container-apps-deploy-action@v1
acrName: ${{ env.acr }}
containerAppName: ${{ env.container_app }}
resourceGroup: ${{ env.resource_group }}
imageToDeploy: ${{ env.login_server }}/${{ env.image }}:${{ github.sha }}
you can use
- name: Deploy to container-apps-jobs
uses: azure/cli@v2
azcliversion: latest
inlineScript: |
az containerapp job update -n ${{ env.container_app }}-cron -g ${{ env.resource_group }} --image ${{ env.login_server }}/${{ env.image }}:${{ github.sha }}
Not great but should unblock you at least