
How we can force the TaskActivityDispatcher to run at a lower interval

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TaskActivityDispatcher-{id}-0: Fetched next work item '{otherId}' after 469773ms. Current active work-item count: 0. Maximum active work-item count: 30
TaskActivityDispatcher-{id}-0: Fetching next work item. Current active work-item count: 1. Maximum active work-item count: 30. Timeout: 30s
TaskActivityDispatcher-{id}-0: Processing work-item '{otherId}'

2 EP1 workers; with 30 activities per worker (no current activities running as in the log)
Sometimes, instead of executing the activities, the dispatcher looks to be doing nothing and are picked with a long delay.

Is there a way to force the recheck at a specified interval?

No idea if this question should be here.

weird behavior from retry-after