
Add helm charts for easy deployments

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Add helm charts for easy deployments

We've got kustomize template in config dir. Do we need to publish all-in-one yaml in release artifacts?

It's better have a helm chart instead of kustomize, so that the lifecyles could be managed easier (e.g. customize parameters and upgrade in the future).

I'm not quite sure but in following Makefile the versions and parameters can be updated in a script automatically.

$(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image controller=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/$(CONTROLLER_IMG):$(IMAGE_TAG) && \
$(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image daemon=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/${DAEMON_IMG}:$(IMAGE_TAG) && \
$(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image cnimanager=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/${CNIMANAGER_IMG}:$(IMAGE_TAG) && \
$(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image cni=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/${CNI_IMG}:$(IMAGE_TAG) && \
$(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image cni-ipam=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/${CNI_IPAM_IMG}:$(IMAGE_TAG)
$(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default | kubectl apply -f -

However, it is not a big deal, if the reviewer has checked whether configs and parameters are the same before pr is merged.

Though the steps in Makefile would work, it's not as easy as helm chart.

Helm chart has been added in #148.