
Can not start Service Fabric Mesh anymore after docker upgrade

jellebens opened this issue · 2 comments

Upgraded to Docker for Windows
... It seems its not able to create the volume plugin anymore

Waiting for fabric:/System/NamingService to be ready. This may take a few minutes...
fabric:/System/NamingService is ready now...

Deploying Addon Service:AzureFilesVolumePlugin in the cluster...
PS>TerminatingError(Remove-Item): "An object at the specified path C:\Users\JELLE~1.BEN does not exist."

TerminatingError(Remove-Item): "An object at the specified path C:\Users\JELLE1.BEN does not exist."
TerminatingError(Remove-Item): "An object at the specified path C:\Users\JELLE
1.BEN does not exist."
An object at the specified path C:\Users\JELLE~1.BEN does not exist.

Fixed it

uninstalling docker
Uninstall hyperv
uninstall all hyperv network devices thru device manager
uninstall service fabric and mesh
reinstalled docker
installed all the rest again

Probably the HyperV VM whichis created by docker was busted. Since this is not an SF issue, closing it.