
issue when collecting data

SPoint42 opened this issue · 1 comments

PS /home/s.gioria/> Invoke-AADAssessmentDataCollection -OutputDirectory /home/s.gioria/ 
    Directory: /home/s.gioria/                        
UnixMode   User             Group                 LastWriteTime           Size Name                                     
--------   ----             -----                 -------------           ---- ----                                     
drwxrwxr-x s.gioria         s.gioria           05/24/2023 11:23           4096             
Exporting applications: Completed 209 in 00:00:00                                                                       
Exporting appRoleAssignments: Completed 1,675 in 00:00:00                                                               
Exporting oauth2PermissionGrants: Completed 3,718 in 00:00:00                                                           
Exporting servicePrincipals (JSON): Completed 621 in 00:00:00                                                           
Exporting servicePrincipals (CSV): Completed 621 in 00:00:00                                                            
Exporting groups: Completed 18 in 00:00:00                                                                              
Loading users in lookup cache                                                                                           
Loading users registration details in lookup cache                                                                      
Exporting UserReport: Completed 1,547 in 00:00:01                                                                       
Loading groups in lookup cache                                                                                          
Loading administrative units in lookup cache                                                                            
Loading applications in lookup cache                                                                                    
Loading service principals in lookup cache                                                                              
Exporting RoleAssignmentReport: Completed 323 in 00:00:00                                                               
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/AppCredentialsReport.csv' not found or empty                                             
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/applications.json' not found or empty                                                    
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/appRoleAssignments.csv' not found or empty                                               
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/ConsentGrantReport.csv' not found or empty                                               
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/groups.csv' not found or empty                                                           
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/oauth2PermissionGrants.csv' not found or empty                                           
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/RoleAssignmentReport.csv' not found or empty                                             
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/servicePrincipals.csv' not found or empty                                                
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/servicePrincipals.json' not found or empty                                               
WARNING: Required entry 'AAD-*/users.csv' not found or empty                                                            
WARNING: The generated package is missing some data                                                                     
WARNING: If you are working with microsoft or a provider on the assessment please warn them                             
WARNING: Please check GitHub issues and fill a new one or reply on existing ones mentionning the errors seen            
Process-AppCredentials: Cannot get property value because "KeySize" is a write-only property.                   ```
merill commented

Are you trying this on Linux? I'm afraid we have only tested on Windows and macOS. Can you retry on them?