
Do Microsoft assume production ready if this library as of today?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For IOS we can find the statement
"These libraries are suitable to use in a production environment. We provide the same production level support for these libraries as we do our current production libraries. During the preview we reserve the right to make changes to the API, cache format, and other mechanisms of this library without notice which you will be required to take along with bug fixes or feature improvements"

Can we say the same for Android version or we can expect help only from stackoverflow?

Hi @SychevIgor - ADAL is production supported. The iOS MSAL library bears this notice because it has not reached 1.0.0 and is in preview.

Please note that this project is the not the Android version of MSAL - for that, you'll need to go here. MSAL for Android has a similar notice; it's in preview and API is still subject to change.

@iambmelt sorry for my mistake. question was to MSAL for Android of course...