
app hitting v2 authentication endpoint instead of v1, when using MS Authenticator

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • Expected behavior
    when signing in to Azure Ad Application (V1) using MS Authenticator, the app consents the required permissions (Graph User.Read, SharePoint AllSites.Write) and is able to get accesstoken.
  • Actual behavior
    app consents and returns accesstoken which does not have required permissions and wrong permissions are granted to the app in azure
  • Steps to reproduce the problem
    create V1 app, call it with android app using this library with MS authenticator, and check the permissions that are granted. If you are not using the MS authenticator, everything works fine.
  • Specifications like the version of the library, operating system etc.
    latest build of this library, latest version of MS authenticator
  • Relevant logs and traces
    Issue also created in AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-objc#1507
    Sent logs using MS Authenticator, here is the incidentID: P2HMVETN

Thanks @tavikukko for reporting this.

We are internally following up the AAD server team to investigate and respond, will update once we have information.