
Crash on handleMSALResponse from the broker application

aobolentsev opened this issue · 1 comments

@implementation MSIDDeviceInfo

#pragma mark - MSIDJsonSerializable

  • (instancetype)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json error:(__unused NSError **)error
    self = [super init];

    if (self)
    _deviceMode = [self deviceModeEnumFromString:[json msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROKER_DEVICE_MODE_KEY]];
    _ssoExtensionMode = [self ssoExtensionModeEnumFromString:[json msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROKER_SSO_EXTENSION_MODE_KEY]];
    _wpjStatus = [self wpjStatusEnumFromString:[json msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROKER_WPJ_STATUS_KEY]];
    _brokerVersion = [json msidStringObjectForKey:MSID_BROKER_BROKER_VERSION_KEY];

      NSData *jsonData = [json[MSID_ADDITIONAL_EXTENSION_DATA_KEY] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

///////// No data received and crash happens
_additionalExtensionData = [NSJSONSerialization msidNormalizedDictionaryFromJsonData:jsonData error:nil];

@aobolentsev, sorry for the late reply. I wasn't able to reproduce this issue on my end using the latest MSAL release (1.1.14). Do you mind printing out the contents of json dictionary when a crash happens? Additionally, would be great if you could also provide an MSAL log and a crash stack. Thanks!