
Project of "Non Verbal Behaviour" for the Master's Course of HCI in Trento

Primary LanguageDart


👋 Introduction

Twarz is a data collection system that allows researchers to easily collect data in order to build specific datasets for research purposes involving emotion recognition through facial expressions.

There already exists some emotional expressions datasets, which are often related to specific problems and contexts. However, the need for new datasets is constantly emphasized, in order to address new issues and research questions.

Moreover, the ever-growing development of new technologies and tools opens many possibilities to faster and more precise techniques which aim to capture and analyze a wide range of nonverbal behaviors and emotions.

🤖 Software stack


⚙️ Contributing

If you want to contribute to Twarz, feel free to open a pull request.

This project will use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs, so please don't use issues for general questions and discussion.

🗂 License

This project is licensed under the LGPL v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.