
[Half-Upstream (Mint 19)] Window borders not working on Cinnamon

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The option for "Windows borders" on Themes editor doesn't show this theme. And that's the same for both light and dark version.

"Control" and "Desktop" options work fine.

I'm on Linux Mint 19. Cinnamon version 3.8.6.

I've used this theme for a long time now. There wasn't a problem on LM 18.3 and the previous release before that.

This is due to the update causing metacity-2 and metacity-1 themes to be ignored in Settings, it's both the fault of the theme developer for not porting to metacity-3, and Linux Mint's fault for introducing this restriction, as in my testing, the metacity-2 themes still work absolutely fine when forced as the window border theme using DCONF Editor...

And how do it, using DCONF Editor?

a77e466 is supposed to fix this bug.

use the latest master for testing

version 4.0 fixes this (confirmed)