
Title on titlebar is cut off (on left)

Heterodyne opened this issue · 5 comments

The title in the title bar of all the OS-X themes is cut off on the left.
i.e. it needs to be moved to the right.


It seems like you may be using another theme. Each theme has its own page, so maybe you can close this issue and open it in the Mavericks, Leopard or iOS 4 repositories?

Also, please provide desktop and distro information

That's a bug introduced in Linux Mint 19.2, you should report it to Mint Team since they were the ones who seem to (no offence to them but) have broke it - it worked fine before Cinnamon 4.2

The issue happens on all of these OSX themes. ( OS-X-Mavericks, OS-X-Leopard, OS-X-Yosemite )
I'm not using Mint (but I understand that is where Cinnamon is developed).
The problem is in the file 'metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml".
The line in question is ...

<title color="#4c4c4c" x="(0 max (width-title_width-mini_icon_width-IconTitleSpacing)) / 2 + mini_icon_width + IconTitleSpacing -72" y="(height - title_height) / 2 - 3"/>

If I set the x value to 0 it is OK but I don't really understand what the max part is supposed to achieve. Changing this seems to have no effect. It seems to reference the size of an icon but the icons (minimize/maximize/kill) are on the right of the titlebar (not on the left where the tile text is).

I'm using gnome 3.32, cinnamon 4.2.3 on Fedora 30.

I think that mini_icon_width is undefined and so the evaluation breaks. It I set this to 140.. it puts the title in the center (which is probably where it should be)

<title color="#4c4c4c" x="(0 max (width-title_width - 140 - IconTitleSpacing)) / 2 + 140 + IconTitleSpacing - 72" y="(height - title_height) / 2 - 3"/>

even better is to borrow from another theme...

        <title version="< 3.1"
               x="(0 `max` ((width - title_width) / 2))"
               y="(0 `max` ((height - title_height) / 2)) + 1"
               color="#4c4c4c" />
        <title version=">= 3.1"
               x="(0 `max` ((frame_x_center - title_width / 2) `min` (width - title_width)))"
               y="(0 `max` ((height - title_height) / 2)) + 1"
               color="#4c4c4c" />

Sorry ... I have posed this to the wrong theme. I'll repost in OS-X-Mavericks.
Please close.