
This project contain files that has the summary of the most committed crime in 2020 in America.


This project contain excel files that has the summary of the most committed crime in 2020 in America. Again the crime is summraized to age, race and sex.

The Original Dataset is available at FBI Crime Data Explorer(CDE)

The Excel Files

Each excel files contains two sheets. The first is the original excel file while the second is copy of the first to do statistical analysis. The original file doesn't have any error therefore there wasn't any data cleaning done while coping it.

The second sheet have an addition column named Percentage. On cell C4,C12 and C27 the percentage of each main crime offense categories is calculated with respect to the total offenders. In which Crime Against Property is the most committed crime in 2020 with 49%. In the rest of the cells, each sub-division of crime offenses percentage is calculated with respect to each own main category. Larceny/Theft offense is the highest offense in Crime Against Property category while Bribery is the lowest percentage.

For each sub-offenses within the main categories, The Maximum and Minimum number of offender is calculated to get which attribute carried out the most and least offense. In Crime Against Property, The highest Larceny/Theft offense is enacted by Adults White Male in which the their age is Unknown and the least is committed by Female Juvenile Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders with in the age of 10 and Under. While in Bribery, it's most acted by Adult White Male with in the age of 26 - 30 and is minimal in Juvenile Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders Unknown Sex with in the age of 10 and Under.

Each of these analysis is repesented in the second sheet. Cells containing maximum value is highlighted Red and those containing minimum value is filled by Green.

Additionally, their is two excel files containing Larceny/Theft Offense and Bibery summary regarding each attribute percentage. This is also displayed using pie-chart.