
add audio database as additional data source

mcampos-quinn opened this issue · 1 comments

The audio data is on track to be available on the network via FileMaker Server.

Need to add that data source as an option for retrieving descriptive metadata. This will involve adding a new field in the Ingest screen that will allow users to declare which data source to use.

Some potential drawbacks:

  • a user could forget to select a data source
  • a user could select the wrong data source
  • it negatively impacts UX to have another decision to make during ingest.

Some potential workarounds/fixes:

  • select a data source to try based on the file type:
    • i.e., if it's audio-only try the audio db
    • if it's video, try the film collection db
  • try both data sources by default and use error handling to detect which one is right
    • this is a problem if the parsed IDs in the file names collide between data sources
  • could specify a prefix to denote the data source?
  • could implement a new module that will allow an admin to specify settings for an arbitrary number of data sources, along with the regexes/patterns/IDs to look for in file names for each data source
    • this is probably a good idea, but will rely on setting up the Flask DB, user module, etc. etc.

Fixed at v1.0 release. Metadata source is a configurable option.