Can not Start McSAX GUI on Windows 10
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I am having trouble installing and using Windows.
I followed the instructions and when I ran
Python3 -m mcsax
The GUI did not open. I found that he reported an error when I ran src/mcsax/ in Python3.10:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\pythonProject1\McSAX\McSAS\src\mcsas\", line 44, in
from .log import replaceStdOutErr
ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
What should I do about this, please?
Thank you so much!
PS: I set up the virtual environment with Pycharm and installed the required packages: Numpy, Scipy, matplotlib, the
PySide2. where PySide2 didn't have a version for Python 3.10, so I installed IceSpringPysidestubs-Pyside2.
Following the instructions in the readme, I typed in the src path:
python3 -m mcsas
But nothing happens, the GUI doesn't start, why is that.
Please help me, thanks a lot!
Hi, Thanks for reporting this!
Your error message originates in a path finding issue. Yes, you need to run the command python3 -m mcsas
command from the McSAS/src
folder where the contained mcsas folder is the actual Python module you are loading with that command. In some cases it helps to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable:
However, I took your error message as a chance to test this on Windows 10 and I needed to apply some compatibility fixes, to let it run with Python 3.11 and the last PySide2 version as noted in the updated README file. Make sure to install the latest available Qt5 package beforehand, otherwise PySide2 will complain about DLLs not being found.
This is a intermediate solution until the UI is ported to Qt6.
Please, let me know, if this works for you,