Error in training script
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Hello Benjamin,
I have encountered an error while attempting to execute the script for example training. The error message is as follows:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
117 steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,
118 regression_metric=regression_metric,
--> 119 work_with_residual_channel=work_with_residual_channel)
~/SynthSR/SynthSR/ in training(labels_dir, model_dir, prior_means, prior_stds, path_generation_labels, segmentation_label_list, segmentation_label_equivalency, segmentation_model_file, fs_header_segnet, relative_weight_segmentation, prior_distributions, images_dir, path_generation_classes, FS_sort, batchsize, input_channels, output_channel, target_res, output_shape, flipping, padding_margin, scaling_bounds, rotation_bounds, shearing_bounds, translation_bounds, nonlin_std, simulate_registration_error, data_res, thickness, randomise_res, downsample, blur_range, build_reliability_maps, bias_field_std, bias_shape_factor, n_levels, nb_conv_per_level, conv_size, unet_feat_count, feat_multiplier, dropout, activation, lr, lr_decay, epochs, steps_per_epoch, regression_metric, work_with_residual_channel, loss_cropping, checkpoint, model_file_has_different_lhood_layer)
339 batch_norm=-1,
340 activation=activation,
--> 341 input_model=labels_to_image_model)
342 print("PASA UNET")
~/SynthSR/ext/neuron/ in unet(nb_features, input_shape, nb_levels, conv_size, nb_labels, name, prefix, feat_mult, pool_size, use_logp, padding, dilation_rate_mult, activation, skip_n_concatenations, use_residuals, final_pred_activation, nb_conv_per_level, add_prior_layer, add_prior_layer_reg, layer_nb_feats, conv_dropout, batch_norm, input_model)
182 conv_dropout=conv_dropout,
183 batch_norm=batch_norm,
--> 184 input_model=input_model)
186 print("PASA ENCODER")
~/SynthSR/ext/neuron/ in conv_enc(nb_features, input_shape, nb_levels, conv_size, name, prefix, feat_mult, pool_size, dilation_rate_mult, padding, activation, layer_nb_feats, use_residuals, nb_conv_per_level, conv_dropout, batch_norm, input_model)
420 print("A VER: ",convL(nb_lvl_feats, conv_size, **conv_kwargs, name=name).dict)
421 print("LAST TENSOR: ",last_tensor)
--> 422 print("prueba 2: ",convL(nb_lvl_feats, conv_size, **conv_kwargs, name=name)(last_tensor))
424 last_tensor = convL(nb_lvl_feats, conv_size, **conv_kwargs, name=name)(last_tensor)
/mnt/workspace/bllancao/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/backend/ in symbolic_fn_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
73 if _SYMBOLIC_SCOPE.value:
74 with get_graph().as_default():
---> 75 return func(*args, **kwargs)
76 else:
77 return func(*args, **kwargs)
/mnt/workspace/bllancao/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/engine/ in call(self, inputs, **kwargs)
461 'You can build it manually via: '
462 '
--> 463
464 self.built = True
/mnt/workspace/bllancao/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/keras/layers/ in build(self, input_shape)
130 channel_axis = -1
131 if input_shape[channel_axis] is None:
--> 132 raise ValueError('The channel dimension of the inputs '
133 'should be defined. Found None
134 input_dim = input_shape[channel_axis]
ValueError: The channel dimension of the inputs should be defined. Found None
Upon investigating the code, I discovered that the vector "last_tensor" has the following dimensions for the example script: "last_tensor: Tensor("image_out/Identity:0", shape=(1, 128, 128, 128, 4), dtype=float32)." It seems that there might be a compatibility issue with libraries or something similar. I have attempted to resolve this by using Python versions 3.6.2, 3.6.5, and 3.7, but the error persists.
Have you encountered a similar issue before, or do you have any insights into resolving this matter? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,
Dear Dr. Billot,
I am running into the same error when trying to train my own model. I have tried to fix it, but to no avail. Are there any intentions of fixing this issue soon? Otherwise I would use another SR model.
Does anybody know a workaround?
Thank you very much and best regards!
first of all thank you for your patience!
I was able to pinpoint the issue. It was caused by keras, which sometimes has a hard time keeping track of tensor's shape, so out of laziness it replaces them with None. So I had to remind keras of the actual shape of tensors by adding some lines:
image._keras_shape = tuple(image.get_shape().as_list())
which you may have seen a lot in the rest of the labels_to_image.
Anyway, it was not related to library versions after all.
Let me know if you run into any more problems!