
Automated analysis of flu sequence data using BCCDC-PHL/fluviewer-nf

Primary LanguagePython


Automated analysis of flu sequence data using the BCCDC-PHL/fluviewer-nf pipeline.



Start the tool as follows:

auto-flu --config config.json

See the Configuration section of this document for details on preparing a configuration file.

More detailed logs can be produced by controlling the log level using the --log-level flag:

auto-flu --config config.json --log-level debug


This tool takes a single config file, in JSON format, with the following structure:

  "fastq_by_run_dir": "/path/to/fastq_symlinks_by_run",
  "analysis_output_dir": "/path/to/analysis_by_run",
  "analysis_work_dir": "/path/to/auto-flu-work",
  "excluded_runs_list": "/path/to/excluded_runs.csv",
  "notification_email_addresses": [
  "send_notification_emails": true,
  "scan_interval_seconds": 3600,
  "pipelines": [
      "pipeline_name": "BCCDC-PHL/fluviewer-nf",
      "pipeline_version": "v0.3.0",
      "pipeline_parameters": {
  	    "fastq_input": null,
   	    "db": "/path/to/FluViewer_db.fa",
   	    "outdir": null


This tool outputs structured logs in JSON Lines format:

Every log line should include the fields:

  • timestamp
  • level
  • module
  • function_name
  • line_num
  • message

...and the contents of the message key will be a JSON object that includes at event_type. The remaining keys inside the message will vary by event type.

{"timestamp": "2022-09-22T11:32:52.287", "level": "INFO", "module", "core", "function_name": "scan", "line_num", 56, "message": {"event_type": "scan_start"}}