Electrical or Software Problems

AnOrdinaryUsser opened this issue · 0 comments

Good Morning,
We are a group of students who are trying to replicate the construction of this robotic arm and we have encountered a problem that we are not able to solve.
We have used the code provided by Marlin to be able to test all the motors, however we have encountered the problem that the two bottom motors that actually raise and lower the arm do not work correctly.
Mostly we encounter this problem when we make use of the arduino code from as we do not get the stepper motor to work correctly and it sounds a strange noise.
We are currently using these motors:
And we have these two types of controllers:
And the TB6560

We have switched from using the TB6560 to the others because these first ones gave less amps than the motor indicated.
We also have the difficulty that inside the controllers there are some switches that we do not know exactly how to configure them, because we do not know what revolutions to use with these motors.

All the other motors work perfectly and these are the only ones that do not give us problems.