Steppermotors issue possible workaround?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

Since the steppermotors are hard to find and if you get them you have to buy them all over the place i thought i take a look and search a bit.
What i found is one shop that sells all whats needed. Only downside is that the voltage is not 2.8-4V like the one in the original Project. But the steppers i found are all 24VDC. Since the power-supply is also 24V its a match. For the drivers there also capable of 24V and 4Amps. Also the signal input that the driver can register is 4.5-5V and 24V. So this should work. But be warned its not as cheep as the steppers in the BOM-List.
The power supply can handle US and EU grid so its universal i guess :D And 14.6A @ 24VDC is perfect since the steppers draw 9.69A. So there is also enough reserve.


From BOM ID: 1 || Quantity: 1

From BOM ID: 8 || Quantity: 1

From BOM ID: 9 || Quantity: 2

From BOM ID: 10 || Quantity: 1

From BOM ID: 11 || Quantity: 1

From BOM ID: 3 || Quantity: 6

Power supply:
From BOM ID: 4 || Quantity: 1

I hope it help some of you.
Please before purchase verify the technical details.

Since i am not 100% sure if its works i bought the list and try it out. But this will take a long time, so don't wait on my input :)

Greetings Irrlicht.

PS: No native English speaker/writer so sorry for that.

Thank you for this list, it really helped me a lot! Did you already assemble everything? How did it turn out?
