
在极限竞速地平线4/5内控制 foobar2000 音乐播放的一种做法。



  • 极限竞速地平线 4/5 可以把游戏内的遥测数据通过udp输出到指定的ip和端口上
  • foobar2000 可以通过安装插件来支持web api控制播放状态
  • 游戏内的音乐听腻了,想听听自定义的歌曲,并且想让音乐状态能像游戏内音乐那样随着游戏状态改变,比如游戏暂停的时候,音乐也暂停。

使 foobar2000 支持 webapi 控制

  1. 安装 foobar2000
  2. 安装 Beefweb Remote Control 插件

插件仓库在 beefweb 插件的api在 swagger ui

极限竞速地平线 4/5 的数据输出格式

这个格式最早好像是来源于 fhz 论坛,但是论坛原文被删掉了,我是从 https://github.com/richstokes/Forza-data-tools/blob/master/FH4_packetformat.dat 找到的。 这里我把它转成了 C 语言的结构体

#include <stdint.h>

typedef float f32;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef int8_t s8;

struct ForzaHorizonDataOutFormat {
    s32 IsRaceOn; // = 1 when race is on. = 0 when in menus/race stopped …
    u32 TimestampMS; //Can overflow to 0 eventually
    f32 EngineMaxRpm;  //最大引擎转速
    f32 EngineIdleRpm;  //发动机怠速转速
    f32 CurrentEngineRpm; //当前引擎转速
    f32 AccelerationX; //加速度In the car's local space; X = right, Y = up, Z = forward
    f32 AccelerationY;
    f32 AccelerationZ;
    f32 VelocityX; //速度In the car's local space; X = right, Y = up, Z = forward
    f32 VelocityY;
    f32 VelocityZ;
    f32 AngularVelocityX; //角速度In the car's local space; X = pitch, Y = yaw, Z = roll
    f32 AngularVelocityY;
    f32 AngularVelocityZ;
    f32 Yaw;  //偏航角
    f32 Pitch;  //俯仰角
    f32 Roll;  //翻滚角
    f32 NormalizedSuspensionTravelFrontLeft; // 悬架行程:Suspension travel normalized: 0.0f = max stretch; 1.0 = max compression
    f32 NormalizedSuspensionTravelFrontRight;
    f32 NormalizedSuspensionTravelRearLeft;
    f32 NormalizedSuspensionTravelRearRight;
    f32 TireSlipRatioFrontLeft; // 轮胎滑移率Tire normalized slip ratio, = 0 means 100% grip and |ratio| > 1.0 means loss of grip.
    f32 TireSlipRatioFrontRight;
    f32 TireSlipRatioRearLeft;
    f32 TireSlipRatioRearRight;
    f32 WheelRotationSpeedFrontLeft; // 车轮转速Wheel rotation speed radians/sec.
    f32 WheelRotationSpeedFrontRight;
    f32 WheelRotationSpeedRearLeft;
    f32 WheelRotationSpeedRearRight;
    s32 WheelOnRumbleStripFrontLeft; // = 1 when wheel is on rumble strip, = 0 when off.
    s32 WheelOnRumbleStripFrontRight;
    s32 WheelOnRumbleStripRearLeft;
    s32 WheelOnRumbleStripRearRight;
    f32 WheelInPuddleDepthFrontLeft; // = from 0 to 1, where 1 is the deepest puddle
    f32 WheelInPuddleDepthFrontRight;
    f32 WheelInPuddleDepthRearLeft;
    f32 WheelInPuddleDepthRearRight;
    f32 SurfaceRumbleFrontLeft; // Non-dimensional surface rumble values passed to controller force feedback
    f32 SurfaceRumbleFrontRight;
    f32 SurfaceRumbleRearLeft;
    f32 SurfaceRumbleRearRight;
    f32 TireSlipAngleFrontLeft; // Tire normalized slip angle, = 0 means 100% grip and |angle| > 1.0 means loss of grip.
    f32 TireSlipAngleFrontRight;
    f32 TireSlipAngleRearLeft;
    f32 TireSlipAngleRearRight;
    f32 TireCombinedSlipFrontLeft; // Tire normalized combined slip, = 0 means 100% grip and |slip| > 1.0 means loss of grip.
    f32 TireCombinedSlipFrontRight;
    f32 TireCombinedSlipRearLeft;
    f32 TireCombinedSlipRearRight;
    f32 SuspensionTravelMetersFrontLeft; // 实际悬架行程(米)Actual suspension travel in meters
    f32 SuspensionTravelMetersFrontRight;
    f32 SuspensionTravelMetersRearLeft;
    f32 SuspensionTravelMetersRearRight;
    s32 CarOrdinal; //Unique ID of the car make/model 车辆代号
    s32 CarClass; //Between 0 (D -- worst cars) and 7 (X class -- best cars) inclusive
    s32 CarPerformanceIndex; //Between 100 (slowest car) and 999 (fastest car) inclusive
    s32 DrivetrainType; //Corresponds to EDrivetrainType; 0 = FWD(全时4驱), 1 = RWD(落锤式弯沉仪), 2 = AWD(后轮驱动)
    s32 NumCylinders; //气缸数Number of cylinders in the engine
    s32 CarCategory; //
    u8 HorizonPlaceholder[8]; // unknown FH4 values
    f32 PositionX; //车辆位置
    f32 PositionY;
    f32 PositionZ;
    f32 Speed; // 速度 m/s meters per second
    f32 Power; // 功率 瓦特watts
    f32 Torque; // 扭矩 newton meter
    f32 TireTempFrontLeft; //胎温
    f32 TireTempFrontRight;
    f32 TireTempRearLeft;
    f32 TireTempRearRight;
    f32 Boost;
    f32 Fuel; //油门
    f32 DistanceTraveled; //比赛中的行驶距离
    f32 BestLap; //最佳圈速
    f32 LastLap; //上一圈速
    f32 CurrentLap; //当前圈速
    f32 CurrentRaceTime; //当前比赛时间
    u16 LapNumber; //圈数
    u8 RacePosition; //比赛排名
    u8 Accel; //加速
    u8 Brake; //刹车
    u8 Clutch; //离合 0没有踩离合,FF 踩下离合
    u8 HandBrake; //手刹 0 没有拉手刹,FF 拉下手刹
    u8 Gear; //挡位
    s8 Steer; //驾驶
    s8 NormalizedDrivingLine; //驾驶辅助线
    s8 NormalizedAIBrakeDifference; //AI制动差



#include "httplib.h"
#include "ForzaDataFormat.h"
#include "Windows.h"

bool running = true;

BOOL WINAPI consoleHandler(DWORD signal) {

    if (signal == CTRL_C_EVENT) {
        printf("Ctrl-C handled\n"); // do cleanup
        running = false;

    return TRUE;

int main()
    if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(consoleHandler, TRUE)) {
        printf("\nERROR: Could not set control handler");
        return 1;

    if (fd == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        printf("invalid socket");
        return 0;

    SOCKADDR_IN listenaddr;
    memset(&listenaddr, 0, sizeof(listenaddr));
    listenaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    listenaddr.sin_port = htons(8881);
    inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(listenaddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));

    if (::bind(fd,(sockaddr*)(&listenaddr), sizeof(listenaddr)) != 0) {
        fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
        printf("bind failed");
        return -1;

    timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = 2;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
    if (::setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) != 0) {
        fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
        printf("set sock opt failed");
        return -1;

    s32 play = 1;

    ForzaHorizonDataOutFormat data;

    httplib::Client cli("http://localhost:8880");
    while (running && fd != INVALID_SOCKET) {
        int len = recvfrom(fd, (char*)&data, sizeof(data), 0, NULL, NULL);
        if (len > 0) {
            if (play != data.IsRaceOn) {
                play = data.IsRaceOn;
                if (play) {
                else {

    if (fd != INVALID_SOCKET) {
        fd = INVALID_SOCKET;

    return 0;
