

sasdom919 opened this issue · 29 comments

Not much of issue than question: Is there going to be behind the scenes theme with the outside of chambers and the arms holding them? I'd like to try it but I cannot even find this style

If you look in the BTS-style branch there's an incomplete version of this. First I've got to release the BEE2.4, which involves basically remaking a lot of the current styles to take advantage of new features. The BTS style will probably be the next new one though.

It would be cool if there was at least Wheatley style with open space generated with an element, oh well can't explain what I mean since...i'm not very to say it..
EDIT: How did you got idea "Refurbished"? It'll be cool if we were able to see continue after going up at the end of the preview because it says "Test complete, restarting"...

The Wheatley Destroyed, BTS, and Art Therapy styles will have skybox-based bottomless pits instead of goo pits. The code behind that isn't really ready yet though.

The refurbished style is partially based on the last coop course, where GLaDOS injects some modern elements into the puzzle to allow you to actually complete it. There's nothing above that tube, other than a pitch-black wall. If you were to see up there I'd imagine it'd look like the modern BTS / Art-therapy exterior areas, with an enrichment sphere hauled up on massive cranes or something like that.

Also for wheatley style, I only mean wheatley monitors. If we look the element "Wheatley Monitor" instantly it's name says it's made by Wheatley, anyways you planning dates for Wheatley Style?
EDIT: A issue here; the catwalks are broken - their directions go wrongly. In puzzle editor:
Ingame: -| (2 ways)
I think it should be fixed somehow

The Wheatley Monitor needs a name change, since it can change appearance a lot depending on the style.

I've got a suggestion for ending map without elevator
Like in the first turret introduction in portal 2 singleplayer or BTS styles

EDIT: I don't sugges making water into bottomless pits, since as you can see water is still used. Make it into another element but keep the normal goo water (it can be used sometimes people need to use it.
EDIT 2: What about making experimental edition of the mod (which will include all features currently in developement/being tested or such)
I think it'll be good until (and after for some people) BTS style is made, because yesterday I was trying to make a map i wanted to turn into few parts but I don't want elevators between part 1 to part 2 and part 2 to part 3.
[Do not read this below, I think the suggestions up there are enough, but unless you want to add this below]
Oh well. Another suggestion that sounds strange: Ability to spawn corrupted cores (and wheatley)
and core panel to attach cores to. Like triggers instead core is required

Ok well seriously if you can make your own properties menu, It'll be cool if you can make subtitle text like on some maps saying Thanks for playing or such (something similar to trigger)
And instead of door, bed (it's better if remaking portal 1)

Also, I think a addition of ability to select elevator room screen video (Lasers, Jumppads/Faith Plates, BSoD etc)
(It should have been within PeTI even without this mod. If you use mainly a specified element like lasers, it'll talk about it

I need to remake the catwalks, and their editor models. I'm planning on having 2 Wheatley Styles - "Clean", which has no destroyed/BTS elements (but with goo), and "Destroyed", with lots of BTS visible.

You can download most of the stuff I've made so far, choose a branch and download a zip on the right-hand sidebar here on GitHub. A lot of the stuff is tied up with the new BEE2 revamp, and is instead at BEE2.4 and BEE2-items.

The PeTI isn't really meant for multi-chamber map series, and the elevators are very tightly interconnected into the styles. I don't think an elevator selector would work too well. The BTS styles will have non-elevator exits/entries (catwalks, offices, or factory themed).

There won't be cores, or anything like that. They have absolutely no business in a chamber, and really only work if you have Hammer's freedom to script them and add dialogue. The PeTI isn't for storylines, it just doesn't work very well.

I can't make an item with editable text. Valve has that item in the education version of Portal 2, but it requires special code in that game version. It wouldn't work in the regular Portal 2 (I wish we had those items though, some could be quite useful.)

I think I'll add an elevator video selector, though. That is pretty common in many styles.

Not much I mean about ending outside elevator but making it possible to fadeout and teleport to the box where it auto-teleports player it's possible to noclip to see it (in usual game, it changes to next chamber)
Similar to how bts maps are like
[thanks edit] Thanks, at least you'll be able to add elevator screen videos
I'd like to suggest also, may sound bit hard to be coded: The speed the elevator at the start (in realspeed, which usually is 200) will be (and direction where it'll come from). Also for the end elevator
EDIT: I've watched the text actually is a commentary node, which may not be, sadly, possible in normal portal 2. It's like copying Portal 2 Sixense Perceptual Pack's DLCs into normal Portal 2. This will never work...unless valve...
EDIT2: Ok I figured it out: If it's possible to use the text bubble menu, then why NOT use it and make (no, not commentary-like or just subtitle) on-screen text like on some maps which, for example shows "[Thanks for playing!]"
EDIT3: About cores, we should not think about them in PeTI. But what about enterable Observation Rooms? And some specific with broken glass to get in a random chamber or something? Or, Observation Room doors? Oh well. Sounds stupid.

About text bubbles in educational version, VALVe is too stupid to add only cool features to versions obtainable very hard (I've heard you can obtain it somehow, it's a lie?)

However, Portal 2 Educational Version uses almost the same code as Portal 2...
..can't it be possible to make the text bubble (and maybe contraption cubes)?

Seriously, onto elements:
What about a fizzler that you can't pass thru? (Like the orange fizzlers in some maps)

Please reply:
What about choice of Map Loading Screens?
There are some: Reconstructing (The one with 2 lasers and moving panels), Burning (SP_A3_00), Wheatley (the one with frankenturret)
And text only:
Aperture Science Innovators (1950s logo)
Aperture (The first map after you get potatOS)
Aperture Laboratories (Clean version, as in The Cold Boot's end)
Overgrown Aperture (Aperture Laboratories, dirty version)
Wheatley Laboratories (The ITCH)

Maybe as bonus: Aperture Fixtures?
And maybe the concept logo?

This can't be done. Using the loading screens requires the map to be named a certain name, which would stop Portal 2 from being able to find the file to publish it.

Oh ok. I didn't know. Well, what about the commentary nodes? We can give it a try?
Edit: Other than that, about the elevator screens, you plan date of making it?
Edit2: Does it happen for Portal 2 to show up no steam when you start it with steam? It happens randomly for me. o_o
Edit3: Well, since I am using non-steam portal 2 from my old pc which i transferred to my laptop, I at all cannot publish even if I want, I can't. Unless it's on other mapping site
Edit4: About TWTM mod, if somoene has it, why not add TWTM style?
Except this TWTM style will require TWTM mods to make it PeTI compatible.
Edit5: I made Portal 2 Suggestion Board on Trello, you can check it out

Well, here it is: What about these arrows that Ratman has been drawing? Can they be used?
And the sliding doors? Also addition of observation rooms that you can enter will fit my map

I can use those easily. They probably won't appear in the BEE2 much, though since Ratmann mainly puts drawings in the nooks and crannies behind the testchamber walls, which you don't see too much.

Ok then, what about the sliding doors and observation rooms with broken glass and way to get in?
And about the rattman, ignore but: Do you plan actually to work on elevator screens? And also can you add direction of start elevator and finish elevator? And like wheatley: He uses random speed of elevator, maybe we could use custom too?

Wait, so we have to reset portal 2 everytime we want to change the elevator screen?
Also: What about Reconstructing Style (Overgrown after GLaDOS has been awaken but still haven't cleaned all chambers.

Most of the setting types you can customise rely on the custom compiler to make the changes, and so you don't need a restart. (The main exceptions are items and styles). Just Alt-Tab back to Portal 2, re-export, and it'll apply fine. In the current BEE2, changing the style while Portal 2 is open will change all the textures, but it'll still use the old instances and editor data.

I'm currently thinking I'll actually make 2 reconstructing styles - one with heavily damaged chambers, and one which is almost entirely clean. Since voice lines and styles are being separated, I'll probably actually release a bunch of voice packs ahead of the actual styles.

You mean, that I don't need to reset my Portal 2 when i'm changing only the style and *elevator video?

x * - after you make the elevator videos
EDIT: What about malfunctioning doors:
The normal door: Like in SP_A1_INTRO
The BTS door: Like in the start of The Escape
The Portal 1 door: Like the normal door.
Also suggesting an option which can make any of the style unlocked with all items and ability to duplicate/remove mandatory items
EDIT2: Since there are linked portal doors,it would be cool if we can use them in PeTI.

Atall, is there planned date to start developing the elevator screens? Or you started already?
EDIT: Oh well, I got another idea: What about secret glass panels like in the stalemate issue during the escape?

I was literally just working on that. The option doesn't do anything, but it reads in the elevator video options from packages.

I don't really want to encourage "secret" things in the PeTI, since that's one easy way to create a really frustrating puzzle. That's probably one of the reasons why the editor originally didn't have Antlines connection visibility options. That's also why there's glass in my Retractable Pedestal Button, and 50s Retractable Floor Buttons, so you know there's a button there.

Last post here: Also when you fix catwalks, make them work on air too please

I can't find BTS style in BEE2 do I have to download a package?

where can I find the BTS style package or what ever I need

Please don't use this issue to ask for BTS style to be added back