
Detailed Calendar View (VueCalendar.lava) Shows AM for every event

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On our particular Rock instance, all of the events within the Detailed Calendar (Vue.js) are showing as "AM" regardless of whether they are AM/PM
Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 11 47 39 AM

Expected Behavior

We would expect to see differentiation between AM/PM Events

Actual Behavior

All Events show AM

Steps to Reproduce

  • Navigate to Reservation Management
  • Select "Detailed Calendar" from "View As:" dropdown.
  • Refresh to get past error (separate issue, seems to read the information inside the as HTML instead of Vue)
    Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 2 36 29 PM

Workaround - edit the date formats in the Lava.
I did actually go in the lava file and modify the date formats to include 'tt'.
{% for reservationDate in ReservationDates %} {% for reservationSummary in reservationDate.Reservations %} {% assign adminContact = reservationSummary.AdminContactPersonAlias.Person %} { approvalState:"{{reservationSummary.ApprovalState }}", eventContact:'{{eventContact.FullName}}', eventContactId:{{eventContact.Id}}, reservationStart:"{{reservationSummary.ReservationStartDateTime | Date:'M/d h:mm tt'}}", reservationEnd:"{{reservationSummary.ReservationEndDateTime | Date:'M/d h:mm tt'}}", eventStart:"{{reservationSummary.EventStartDateTime | Date:'M/d h:mm tt'}}", eventEnd:"{{reservationSummary.EventEndDateTime | Date:'M/d h:mm tt'}}", locations:"{{reservationSummary.Locations | Select:'Location' | Select:'Name' | Join:', ' | Replace:'"','\"'}}", resources:"{{reservationSummary.Resources | Select:'Location' | Select:'Name' | Join:', ' | Replace:'"','\"'}}", id:{{reservationSummary.Id}}, name:"{{reservationSummary.ReservationName | Replace:'"','\"' }}", color:"{% case reservationSummary.ApprovalStateInt %}{% when 2 %}#16c98d{% when 3 %}#d4442e{% when 4 %}#ee7624{% when 1 or 5 or 6 %}#ffc870{% else %}#009ce3{% endcase %}", start:"{{reservationSummary.ReservationStartDateTime | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'}}", end:"{{reservationSummary.ReservationEndDateTime | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm'}}", timed: true }, {% endfor %} {% endfor %}

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