
Instant silent client crash when removing havok assets using instanceCount method.

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Client will instant silent crash in these 2 scenarios:

  • if you jump to next round.
  • you literally leave the server by yourself through esc menu.

this is an example code:

ResourceManager:RegisterInstanceLoadHandler(Guid('69AFE35D-259F-11E1-98E7-C42BEF8FFB67'), Guid('DBBF1E63-A8CB-B999-E3B7-D0FD83CBA060'), function(instance) print('Erasing vehicleshed_medium_backdrop_Mesh...') local thisInstance = StaticModelGroupEntityData(instance) thisInstance:MakeWritable() thisInstance.memberDatas[18].instanceCount = 0 end)

closing due being a VU issue not NoHavok mod.