
Generator bug

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Minecraft's Version


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Describe the bug


My all upgrades is max, but when i'm clicking on upgrade, they take my money.

To Reproduce

Check video and scoreboard.

Additional Information

generator-rates: '1': price: 25000.0 price-type: "Money" generator-rates: normal: STONE: 80 COAL_ORE: 5 IRON_ORE: 5 COPPER_ORE: 5 GOLD_ORE: 5 commands: - 'island admin setupgrade %player% generator-rates 2' - 'island admin msgall %player% &e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Your generator was upgraded to level 2!' '2': price: 75000.0 price-type: "Money" generator-rates: normal: STONE: 70 COAL_ORE: 5 IRON_ORE: 5 COPPER_ORE: 5 GOLD_ORE: 5 LAPIS_ORE: 5 EMERALD_ORE: 5 commands: - 'island admin setupgrade %player% generator-rates 3' - 'island admin msgall %player% &e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Your generator was upgraded to level 3!' '3': price: 150000.0 price-type: "Money" generator-rates: normal: STONE: 60 COAL_ORE: 5 IRON_ORE: 5 COPPER_ORE: 5 GOLD_ORE: 5 LAPIS_ORE: 5 EMERALD_ORE: 5 DIAMOND_ORE: 5 REDSTONE_ORE: 5 commands: - 'island admin setupgrade %player% generator-rates 4' - 'island admin msgall %player% &e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7Your generator was upgraded to level 4!' '4': price: 300000.0 price-type: "Money" generator-rates: normal: STONE: 54 COAL_ORE: 5 IRON_ORE: 5 COPPER_ORE: 5 GOLD_ORE: 5 LAPIS_ORE: 5 EMERALD_ORE: 5 DIAMOND_ORE: 5 REDSTONE_ORE: 5 LAPIS_ORE: 5 ANCIENT_DEBRIS: 1 commands: - 'island admin msg %player% &e&lSuperiorSkyblock &7You have reached the maximum upgrade for generator.'

The final upgrade price should be 0.

      price: 0.0
      price-type: "Money"

As @Srcsm said, the price of the last upgrade should be set to 0