
Hero Apperance buttons are not showing up.

Closed this issue · 16 comments

apperance buttons

I can not change my hero appearance because the buttons to do it are not in the UI oddly. I am on Fallout 2 restoration patch version 25.

how did you install it?

I extracted it into the game files.

Did you use exe? Zip?
It doesn't look that it's installed correctly.

Do you mean the unoffical patch? I used the exe to install the patch.

I have used now extracted the zip over the installation and nothing has changed.

Unofficial patch and restoration project are two different things. Which one did you use?

Unofficial Patch

Well, UPU doesn't include Hero Appearance.

Ah that would explain it, though the notes on both the unofficial patch and the hero mode say that they hero appearance mod is compatible

It is compatible, but not included. It is included with RPU.
For UPU, you can install HA manually as described in the readme.
I think that concludes this, if you run into any other problems, feel free to open issues in the corresponding repos.

So I have the files in the mod folder but I am unable to select anything but the Indian appearance.

Did you enable the setting in ddraw.ini?

Yes it is set to 1

Given that you used exe, then zip, I'd try a fresh installation from scratch - F2, UPU and HA.

I worked it out, Its because I installed HA into the mods folder and not the main dirct. Thanks

Yes, unfortunately HA is different from other mods and should be extracted into main dir.